One of the current challenges of our world is to create ideal housing that is transformable, deployable, transportable, and smart for people who want to explore and discover new places. This may seem complicated, but it is actually a simple architectural problem that requires adequate technical and technological support. Scissor joint structures are a common solution for deployable architecture forms. They allow the form to extend freely through a chain reaction mechanism.
The house can be pre-programmed to change its interior settings according to the needs and timings, so it always provides the minimum and efficient space. Transportation: The house can be easily transported with a pick-up truck or a larger vehicle. It can be expanded by jacking the truck and moving it forward slowly. The process can be controlled by a computer. The benefits of this system are having your home with you wherever you go, and enjoying different views from the same cozy home. The scissor joints on top allow the house to expand telescopically in different combinations. The ceiling has two layers: a flexible transparent textile for warm and sunny conditions, and a Monocoque panel for protection against climate changes. The cladding has a special geometry that enables interlocking of pieces. The connectors on the side of the rails balance the position of the panels and give more freedom to the joints.

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