Finding Architecture through Design and Technology:

Architecture has been left behind in the technological race of the digital age and needs to catch up. The use of fabrication technologies, physical computing, and new ecological advancements can help to create a more active and interactive form of architecture. By using machine learning, it is possible to create a system of form generation that can respond to stimuli, learn from its surroundings, and evolve over time. This could lead to a new form of organic design, where architecture is more fluid and dynamic, and behaves like a living organism. The computation ability required for these systems can vary greatly, from mechanical pieces controlled by a microcontroller to natural cellular structures with a nervous system. Additive manufacturing, material reinforcements, and nano-scale configurations of materials are some of the recent developments that are helping to push this kind of materiality forward.


Ethan Abot
Research and Design for Fabrication for Mass Production is of my unique interest, I am pushing for a world that we can integrate technology into our built environment sustainably. We need the technology to be integrated with Design to create a more modular design language that can be developed and reused over and over, to reach to the evolution adaptation needed to create its own innovation cycles, as it is expected from such a big industry.

Minoo Riazipour:

Architect and visionary with  years of experience in the industry and established influential connections across the US, from the east coast to the west coast. Designed diverse projects that range from residential to commercial, from urban to rural, from traditional to modern with a unique attention to detail and strive to improve the designs by integrating technology in a creative and sustainable way.

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